• What is a pointer in C? What is its use? 
• Tell us the difference between C & embedded C. 
• Explain the most recent project you have worked on (from resume). 
• Write a program to decide whether the input number is a perfect number or not. 
• Give different modulation techniques. 
• What is a Real Time OS? 
• What is an implicit cursor? 
• What is a Zener diode? What is its use? 
• Difference between TCP and UDP. 
• Draw the circuit of a low pass filter? Where is its significance? 
• What is an IC? What is its importance? 
• Define VLSI technology. 
• Differentiate between LCD & LED screens. 
• What is the main function of a data link content monitor? 
• What are the communications lines best suited to interactive processing applications.


• What are the various steps involved in Lifecycles Development? 
• What do you know about IPv4 and IPv6? Differentiate between them. 
• What is the difference and similarity between C and C++? 
• Define polymorphism. 
• Differentiate between a and a. 
• What is preprocessor? 
• Write a program to decide whether the input number is a prime number or not. 
• What is the difference between Char and Varchar in DBMS? 
• Difference between Macro and ordinary definition. 
• What do you mean by platform independence?


• Why do you think you are fit for our organization? 
• You had to wait for more than 5 hours for the interview. Are you feeling tired? 
• Tell me how was your online test? 
• What is your fathers occupation? What is his job location? 
• Who is your role model? What have you incorporated in your life from him/her? 
• Do you live in a hostel or at home? 
• Introduce yourself and tell us something apart from the Resume. 
• Do you have an offer from any other organization? 
• Why do you want to work for us? Where do you see yourself in 8-10 years from now? 
• How would you describe your college life? 
• What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are you doing to overcome your  
• Mention a person who is your role model in life. 
• Where do you rate yourself (out of 10) as an engineer? 
• Where do you see yourself in the next five years? 
• What is your biggest achievement till now? 
• Tell us about your ultimate goal in life. 
• Discuss the most stressful situation youve faced in college life. 
• What personal attributes do you have that will help you succeed in the work place?

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